My investigators are progressing well. And in fact yesterday
was stake conference. We got Sok Hour there and then Sopheap and 5 of his
friends went. It was the best stake/district conference I have attended on my
mission, and it happened right at the end. WOW! It was amazing. The Stake
President is one of the most powerful leaders this entire country could have to
offer. He is also one of the first members in the country (baptized 18 years ago). I asked
him if he would adopt me after my mission (sorry, mom). Haha.

We have found some new investigators--like this one guy from
Kratie who lives
across the street from an OLD investigator. I knew a
couple places by his house, because when I was in Kampong Cham,
we took a trip to look at dolphins in Kratie. Anyways, we met him a couple weeks
ago. He asked the old investigator a ton of questions, so last
night when we went to go meet the old investigator, he was like, "Sorry. My
kid's sick and I gotta go, but you gotta go take care of that kid across the
street, he's been bothering me with questions all week."
Elder Christensen is doing great. I don't really help him that much as he's been helping me. He's such a positive person and a hard
worker. It's hard to remember how much time I have left.
Sopheap is meeting us tonight with all his friends. He is
progressing the most out of all of them. Also, Sopheap watched the baptism last
night, and the stake president was at the baptism and personally invited him to
continue learning with the Elders and to follow all the commitments. Man, the
stake president really just gets it.
In one of my personal studies, I was reading in 1 Samuel
chapter 10 and it talks about how Saul felt the spirit and received a "new
heart" from God. I was studying about the Holy Ghost and how it affects
people, but when I read that, it just kind of hit me. I was thinking about it
for a long time and just really liked it. Then when we were teaching Sok Hour, he
was having some issues believing that God could help him through his sins. He believed
that he is always going to be the way he is because "that's just how his
heart is." At that moment, I knew exactly why that scripture had been pressing on
my mind, so I shared it with him, and he soaked it in like a dry sponge. He just
thought it over in his mind after reading that scripture, and just kind of
savored it, and then said, "God can help me, God can do anything." It
was a really special moment.
Elder Hall