Monday, June 13, 2016
Alive and Well???
[I didn't get an email from Wyatt this week. Relative to 25 years ago when my husband went on a mission, I am spoiled with an email every week. My mother-in-law received snail mail on an infrequent and irregular basis. However, not receiving an email once a week is out of the ordinary for me, so I will worry. In order to distract myself from the worry, I have decided to make up a letter from Wyatt.]
Dear Family,
I am alive, well, safe, and happy! I hope all of you are doing well, too.
This week has caused me to ponder my childhood years and reminisce about family gatherings and events.
First things first, though. Remember when I broke 5 windows and 2 light fixtures in our house in Weatherford? I want to apologize. I hope you know it was never intentional. I really needed to open the back door with my golf club, and I couldn't get my shorts to hang on my ceiling fan without the help of my bat. I hope you understand. I promise to pay you back for them the minute I get home.
Speaking of apologies, remember the time I accused you of treating us kids as slaves and making us do all the work? I now realize how ridiculous my arguments were. I see now how much time you spent cleaning the house, washing our clothes, redoing the chores we did half-way, cooking us meals, and driving us places. And I forgive you for the time I made your blood boil while you were chopping vegetables and you didn't realize you had your knife pointed at my throat during your diatribe.
Anyway, I miss my siblings so much! You guys can use any of my stuff you want!!! Especially my stereo equipment (speakers, ipod, etc). And Meredith, you can let your boyfriend (and his brother) use whatever of my clothes you want. I don't mind at all.
Also, I just want to say thank you for all the punishments you ever dolled out. They were 100% justified, and I needed every single one. They have shaped me into the person I am today.
Oh, by the way, Dad, if you're still missing any of your tools, check my box of stuff in the attic...or my friends' houses...or the local landfill.
I need to sign off, but just remember how much I love all of you and I can't wait to see you when I get home. I promise to send an EXTRA long email next week with lots of pictures and probably 3 or 4 videos!!!
Elder Hall
Monday, June 6, 2016
The Power of Prayer
I talked about a missionary last week that was really good at rescuing less actives. I learned from him that it's more about becoming their friend
than it is about being able to report a "lesson" to the mission
president. From the beginning he would go around to the people's houses and just
talk with them and become their friend. He was really good at it, too. Khmae
people love making fun of the elders (innocently), so he would just play that
role and they all loved it. As soon as he gained their trust, almost half of
them would be the first to say, "Well, aren't you gonna teach me?" I was
super impressed. Their branch has brought back almost 20 people in the past two
Although this process really works. I don't think that I will
be able to get back that many--just because I am in more of a city, time-demanding area. However, I will try my best. This week we spent most of our time
finding these people and just talking to them, and if it was right, we shared a
scripture. Most of them have had pretty regular contact with the elders; they
just got forgotten somewhere along the way.
A Khmae newspaper with news about the Copa America |
For example: Bong Nhean. We were on our way home on Thursday
or Friday and we just hear somebody yelling to us. So we look over to this guy
who is a little tipsy on the side of the road. He introduced himself as an
"inactive member ever since the church moved" (about a year ago) and
then told us his name. On Sunday we went and visited him (for just a sec since
he had family over and we didn't want to bother), but he told us that he works as
a guard at the US Embassy. Then he started to speak some super clear English
with us. Then he said he wanted to meet us next week and that he would bring
his wife and children (that just moved to the city to be with him) to
A member named Chi. He would probably be my favorite
acquaintance made this week. He is very active. He served a mission in 2010 and
speaks a lot of English. He recently gave up a fairly decent job (300 a month--about double average) so that he could start his own retirement fund/work-finding service. He starts advertising to people by saying, "How much do
you want to make in a month? I can give it to you." When he told me for
the first time, I just laughed, and I couldn't actually tell if he was kidding or
not. Then when we talked more about it, he told me that he had sold his wedding
ring, watch, necklace, and phone just so that he could start this business, but every time he introduces it to someone, he says they just laugh. I told him that
he has to make them realize he's not kidding because it sounds way too good to
be true. He had a really intricate plan for a business that would guide people
into the right work, set firm financial goals, and then retire at a reasonable
age, and I really liked it, but every one just thinks he's joking. In this
country it's rare to come by someone who is willing to take risks like this and
open their own institution, and I told him that he could talk to the CJF that
President Moon now runs. Pretty cool. Hopefully he can find some
I don't think this week had any disappointments bigger than
when it rained yesterday. The rain got in the house on the bottom floor, and we
had to mop it all up. It was a really good week.
Testimony builder of the week: I will reserve the name,
because this experience is very special and I wouldn't want to ruin the trust of
this person, so I'll just say his name is Rithea. Rithea is our investigator, and
we taught him about how we can ask things through prayer, and when we ask in
faith we receive answers (James 1:5, Matthew 7:7-8). He received an answer that
the Book of Mormon is true when he asked and so he went further. He asked the
following night to speak to his mother who had passed away 6 months ago because
he really missed her. And what he said was, "Heavenly Father, let me hug my
mom. I didn't get to speak to her, but our spirits hugged. It was just for a
second, but it was enough." Even just on the surface this is a really cool
experience, but it made me think about the love that Heavenly Father has for
all of his children. You don't have to know everything about God for him to
answer your prayers and love you; all you need is the desire to draw closer
unto him. Even though Rithea didn't really understand that speaking to his
mother probably wasn't something that God would grant him, God didn't just cast
his petition aside and say it was stupid. He answered with a very real
experience that maybe is what Rithea actually wanted but didn't know. God
doesn't have to answer our prayers. We shouldn't feel entitled to any sort of
answer. And if the answer does not come the way we want, that is not any reason
to be angry. We need to be thankful always that God does us the favor to lend
an ear to our prayers and then how much greater should our gratitude be when
our petition to the Almighty God is actually answered. (Proverbs 3:6) Rithea
did his part in being thankful for that answer. I trust that his faith will
only continue to grow as he enters the waters of baptism on the 19th this
Sorry my email is so long. I have a good keyboard this
week. If you see any other friends from high school, tell them I say hi! Also,
tell Colby that I still am planning on starting a car company with him. Haha.
Elder Hall
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Week 2 From Pochentong
Wyatt and his companion |
new area is awesome. So many people to contact everywhere. We also have a ton
of people that go to English class, too. Investigator pool is low, but that's no problem. We will get
this place up and running.We just gotta go hard on contacting. I also
went on an exchange with an elder who has had a ton of success rescuing, and I
learned a lot from him, and I plan on implementing his techniques. I haven't been
a very good worker with less actives, and I always prefer contacting to finding
less actives, but now I think I have to shift some things around.
The church building in Pochentong |
not a district leader anymore; I'm a zone leader, which is a lot easier than
being district leader, since I don't have to make a district meeting every week. I
will have to do Zone training, though.
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Dary, Ming Sim, Om Ya, Wyatt |
In my scriptures I am studying a lot about priesthood lately.
But if you want to know where I am, I just finished the Book of Mormon for the
4th time, so I'm in 1 Ne 3.
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Previous companion, Bong Somrong, Wyatt, President Ton |
Little Miracle: I didn't know how to get somewhere, so I prayed that God would provide someone for me to ask (I already asked a ton of people that
didn't know). I got a feeling that there would be somebody around the corner
waiting on the side of the road that would know. So I turned the corner, and
there was a group of people there, and one of them knew where it was. It was
small, simple, and sweet.
Lead by the Holy Ghost: Nimol. We contacted him about a week
and a half ago and asked him if he could go to church, and so he went to church.
Then we taught him, and then we went back and he said that he had read the Book of Mormon and
knew it was true.
Elder Hall
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