Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Working on my Accent

Wyatt is on the far right.

Elder Kheav is so cool. He is from KC so he has the same sort of accent that I have been trying to have my whole mission, so now I can really have that accent. Especially because he doesn't really speak that much English. [Editor's note: I take it as a sign that his language skills are adequate if he is working on an accent.] He is really laid back when it's time to be laid back and a really hard worker when it's time to be a hard worker. He's also really influential. He teaches like MLK gives speeches. 

The house for the Branch 1 elders (I'm in branch 1) is out in the middle of nowhere; branch 2 & 3 elders are in closer to the town, which is mostly just for white people to come look at. I don't really know why any white people come here; it's not really that cool. Maybe I'm missing something. But anyways there are definitely a lot more trees than the city. 

The investigator pool is disappointing. The new area is a lot more focused on less actives because of how far away from the church it is and how many less actives there are. I think I just want to spend most of the time here reactivating and strengthening members. I don't really know yet, though. We will see what happens. 

Well I would love to tell you about how virtue is now garnishing my thoughts, but I actually forgot my scriptures in Phnom Penh, so they're sending them up on a bus today. I'll tell you next week after I spend a substantial amount of time studying it. 

Wasting and wearing out my life has consisted more of actual physical biking everywhere this past week. The places we go are all far away from each other.

Elder Hall

P.S. Sorry these are the only pictures I have for this week. My camera is in a bag that I left in Phnom Penh that will be sent up shortly. [Editor's note: Haha!]

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