Monday, June 29, 2015

Having the Time of My Life!

This week was probably...nah, for sure the best week I have had on my mission so far. So Elder Jones and I are whitewashing, which means we pretty much just get put in an area with some old records and nobody to show us around, which means a lot of contacting, and a lot of trying to find things to do. So that's what we did. We contacted a ton. We got a name from an old missionary that was in our area and tried to find her. Along the way we found 6 people that wanted to learn with us. Then, when we finally found her, we found out she has like 8 kids that all want to learn, too. They can't all get to church on Sunday, so our plan is to find a lumok (like a big trailer with benches hooked up to a moto) driver near their house and try to teach him, too. But anyways, by the end of this week--after receiving referrals and contacting a ton--we ended up with 23 new investigators. 

Also even though there are no rice fields or jungle, it's still really nice to be away from motos honking 24-7 and loud noises, and random people welding everywhere (this is a real thing), and I can bike just five minutes and be out in the middle of dirt roads, cows and other kinds of fields (I actually don't know what they're for). Also, some of it feels like mountain biking (in the video of me biking it shows that) with really narrow paths through fields. So that combined with lots of work to be done gets me out of bed every morning. I love it here. I love the people, I love the sunsets (that I can now appreciate), I love the biking, and I love the food. 

I don't have much else to say, but I will probably give an update on the families next week. 

Timing is key. I prayed and prayed and prayed in Chaktomuk for people to want to hear the message of Jesus Christ, but didn't have a lot of success. But I know getting sent here to an area where people are so ready to accept the gospel is an answer to that prayer, because who knows, they could end up having family back in the city, or will move to the city and have a positive influence on their neighbors there. 

Also, July 4th is coming up, and one thing that Cambodia has taught me, is that although Cambodia is a super great country, there is truly no better country on earth that the good old USofA. No matter what party you belong to, no matter what you believe in, no matter what race you are, if you live in America and you get to partake in the freedom that the US offers, then this Saturday, you should remember those who helped this country become what it is. I know that God has blessed that land, and everyone who lives on it is blessed to be there. God bless the USA!

Thanks for your support! Cambodia is amazing, and I'm having the time of my life!

Elder Hall

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