Monday, January 18, 2016

1.18.2016 in KC

Fresh dressed with my Sunday tie

Things in KC are looking down a bit, because anticipation for our new building is causing lots of disruptions to Satan's kingdom, so he's doing a lot to fight back. Right now the police are going extra hard catching people with no license plates, mirrors, and helmets (half our members), so they don't come to church. On top of that, a lot of other churches are offering our members money to leave our church and join theirs. 

sweet house decoration

The car wash is this coming Saturday, and when Elder Tatton walked up to the Provincial Hall (hoping to at least tell a couple people), the guy gave us visitor passes and led us into the Press Room. We talked to a lady who said she would send it to EVERY WORKER in the Provincial Hall, because they all have their like mailbox things. So that was cool. Our regular street advertising is also going well, and people are honestly confused at the generosity of such an event. So hopefully that confusion turns into interest in our church. 

dinner at a member's house

We got one new investigator that is fairly promising. She is the wife of a less active returned missionary (who hasn't been to church in forever). When we asked them to go to church the following day, he said he would go back. So we were thinking that meant them both. But actually he just came back. By himself. Haha, whatever. Next week we'll get him to remember to take his wife.


Elder Hall

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